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  • Graphic Design for print

  • Product photography

  • Digital Retouching 

  • Photo Restoration

  • Photography Consultation Service

For a quote, or if you would like to discuss your project, use my 'Contact' page and I will reply within 24 hours.

My work can be purchased as wall art on canvas/picture boards/acrylic or as framed prints in a host of sizes, styles and finishes from:

If you would like to purchase a print or digital download of an image which is on my site pages but not included in my gallery at Photo4me, get in touch using the 'Contact' page on this site. I will reply within 24 hours.

Photo Restoration Service

Do you have old and damaged irreplaceable family photographs hidden away in a drawer somewhere?

Have you ever thought of having them professionally restored so that you can frame them or put them in the family album, or maybe get extra print or digital copies that can be distributed among family members?

What can be done.


• Remove cracks and creases

• Repair torn corners

• Improve contrast

• Reconstruct missing parts of a photo

• Piece together photos that have been torn into separate parts

• Crop and resize photos

• Repair sun damage

• Repair water damage

• Remove someone from a photo

• Combine images

• Repair faded photos even if it is not evenly faded all over


How much will it cost?


As every restoration is unique it is not possible to have a price list for such work. My charges are based on how much time each restoration takes. It could be an hour or two (as in most cases) or even a day or two. I will need to see your original photograph in order to give you an accurate quote.

It is worth remembering too, that at no extra cost, along with your restored printed photos I include a medium resolution digital copy of each restored photo that you can use as you wish. Either, store it on your own computer and share it with the family or, maybe even make more prints of your own.


If you need a quote or want to make a preliminary enquiry about any kind of photo restoration work get in touch with me using the 'Contact' page on this website.



To see 'before and after' examples of some of the restorations I have completed click on the link below:

Images and content © Peter Bolton
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